Sunday 17 June 2012

First post- yippee!

Hey everyone, nifty day to you!
I just made this blog so I can keep a track of my subject; Business Math-- under Sir Paner (check the link out to see his video!). Giddy. He's a cool guy, so many achievements in life.
Anyways, so this blog will probably be about ... Math. Which is my school subject...


I'm kidding. It's about business and since Sir Paner said it'll be not like Statistics (which I never liked to begin with, heck even Math); I guess it'll be pretty nice.
I'll be updating this blog with the things I learned from that subject every week. You should be happy. Because I'am. And I'm excited. (No you won't see more Dean Winchester here, sadly.)

I couldn't think of anything else to post since class just started, maybe soon. So stick around guys.


  1. you sound really excited! 8D i'm looking to read your future articles! :P

  2. I'm excited too! It seems like this subject will teach us more about business and how it will run. Keep on posting! :)

  3. The gif is funny!! Hahaha :D &&I also hope that BusMath is not like Stat :))

  4. Hi Nichi! I LOVE BEEMO hehe. I didn't also like Statistics or Math in the first place. Hopefully Sir Paner guides us to look at Math in a positive way. Cool Layout by the way! :)

  5. Hi nichi! That "adventure time" character is cute! I forgot his name. Anyway, i never liked statistics, too. and hopefully, business math won't be like stats. well, sir said that business math is 10x easier than stats... so let's just hope on that :D see you in class!!
